Welcome to the CamEd Business Library e-book website, your comprehensive online resource for professional, academic, general, and research reading materials. Our platform is designed to provide a wide range of high-quality content to meet the diverse needs of our users.


Professional Reading Materials:
We offer a curated collection of professional reading materials that cater to professionals and practitioners in ACCA Study Materials including:

  • Free online content ACCA books, pocket notes, revision kits with past exam papers, plus short video lectures
  • Straightforward resources, always kept up to date, to help you feel exam confident


Academic Reading Materials:
For students, researchers, and academia, we have a vast selection of academic reading materials. These e-books encompass a wide range of disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, management, and international business. Our academic collection is regularly updated to ensure that you have access to the latest research, theories, and concepts in your field of study.


General Reading Materials:
In addition to professional and academic content, we offer a variety of general reading materials for individuals seeking personal and intellectual enrichment. Our general collection covers a broad spectrum of topics, including self-help, personal development, biographies, history, psychology, and more. Whether you want to expand your knowledge or simply enjoy reading for leisure, our general reading materials will cater to your interests.


Research/CamEd Publications:
CamEd is committed to fostering academic research and knowledge creation. We proudly showcase our own research publications, including journals, reports, articles, and papers. These publications encompass a wide range of business-related topics and provide valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the field. By accessing our research materials, you can stay up to date with cutting-edge research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.


At CamEd Business Library e-book website, we strive to provide a user-friendly platform that allows easy access to our extensive collection of reading materials. Our e-books are available in multiple formats, ensuring compatibility with various devices and reading preferences. Whether you are accessing our website from your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can enjoy a seamless reading experience.


We are continuously expanding our library and updating our collection to meet the evolving needs of our users. We invite you to explore our website and discover the wealth of knowledge that awaits you. Happy reading!


Not sure where to read next? Need assistance? The Library is here to help. Find what you need, from managing your library account to downloading e-books. Connect with us via: [email protected]